Friday, March 19, 2010

Just a quick update...

So...a week or so ago, we got our final 'approval' to go with our company to Portugal. We have one more requirement to pass our medical clearance and we have to have our medical clearance by late Summer at the latest. CJ and I both need to loose some weight, they have lowered their BMI/weight requirement a huge amount. We don't have a lot of weight to loose but any weight to loose causes a change in lifestyle so, we've started with a low carb diet and so far I've lost 12 lbs. (in 17 days) and CJ has lost about 9-10 lbs. We're well on our way and should be at our goals at the latest by the end of this semester.
We have a job description written for us for our job in Lisbon, Portugal and are in process of discussing departure dates, etc. The plan for now is to go to a 2 month training in Richmond, VA starting in Oct. 2010 and then to leave for Portugal after the holidays and time with family and friends the first of Jan. 2011.
We are excited about all that God has planned for us and are anticipating the change that is coming soon to our lives.
Please keep us in your prayers as we plan for this change in all areas of our lives, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Also, please pray for our families as they prepare for us to leave as well.